Also a huge fan; the Disney dark rides have always held a special place in my heart due to the animatronics. I was a little disappointed when I took my kids to the Magic Kingdom for the first time and they just shrugged - the animatronics just didn't impress them all that much. I'm not sure if it was just my kids or a generational thing where kids growing up with technology are just harder to impress.

I'm hoping the next step for animatronics is interaction. How ridiculously cool would it be to have a conversation with an animatronic Disney character (powered by AI chat). I think we're still several years away from perfecting something like that, but I can see it on the horizon.

As far as being "old," those who get to grow old are the lucky ones. I think it's wonderful you got to see that 1964 exhibit, Arthur. What a memory to treasure!

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Hmm. A little disconcerting to hear about your kids' indifference. I guess that's what happens when once-new technologies and innovations have been around for awhile.

Thanks for embracing my old codger-ness.

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I would love to see this exhibit too! It would be a perfect exhibit for COSI here in Columbus, OH. I always laugh when I read the names of the different animatronic models. They sound so similar to the Terminator style naming convention to me.

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Hey Disney! Take this exhibit on the road!

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No surprise, I’m a huge fan of the classic Disney animatronic show, which I feel no other company has come close to replicating. Has any other company even tried, asides from Chuck E Cheese? I’m glad Disney has continued to advance the technology while honoring and preserving the past history of animatronics with exhibits like this. Wish I could have seen it!

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Also, even Chuck E Cheese has steered away from AAs. Its remodeled locations focus on costumed characters.

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You raise an interesting question, Tom. There are certainly others in the industry creating and showcasing animatronics. And AAs have been used in shows (T2:3D comes to mind). But I can't think of any shows, other than Disney’s, in which animatronics are the focus. Anybody else want to weigh in?

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Love this article! Disney should take this exhibit on the road. I'd really like to see it.

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