Of the lands revealed so far, Super Nintendo World is definitely the one I'm most interested in. Having grown up with Nintendo since I was a kid, it's an IP near and dear to my heart. I can't wait to see the boom coaster in action.
I'm also greatly interested in Celestial Park, I have a feeling Universal will really create a beautiful atmosphere there. I never was into the How to Train Your Dragon IP, and even my kids never watched the movies, so that one's at the bottom of my list.
Obviously my most anticipated as a horror fan is Dark Universe, but I'll have to be patient until the details start trickling in for that one.
That's because it is. And if what I'm hearing is correct, the details about what Universal has in store for the remaining two lands, Monsters and Potter, should really blow everyone away.
Of the lands revealed so far, Super Nintendo World is definitely the one I'm most interested in. Having grown up with Nintendo since I was a kid, it's an IP near and dear to my heart. I can't wait to see the boom coaster in action.
I'm also greatly interested in Celestial Park, I have a feeling Universal will really create a beautiful atmosphere there. I never was into the How to Train Your Dragon IP, and even my kids never watched the movies, so that one's at the bottom of my list.
Obviously my most anticipated as a horror fan is Dark Universe, but I'll have to be patient until the details start trickling in for that one.
Dark Universe and Potter details should be forthcoming. Prepare to be wowed!
Complete ditto to Tim for me!
All of this sounds next-level.
That's because it is. And if what I'm hearing is correct, the details about what Universal has in store for the remaining two lands, Monsters and Potter, should really blow everyone away.