Jan 30·edited Jan 30Liked by Arthur Levine

When I first clicked on it I thought it was just a giant dummy that they were using projection mapping on. Which would have been the cheap solution. Kind of blown away at the audacity of embedding LEDs in the exterior and having the thing move.

It does make me wonder if the technology could be scaled down. While a nearly 60 foot figure is super cool, it's also limited as to where it could go. Would be neat if you could get 1/3 sized versions, for example. Still giants, but more flexibility in where they could be located - museums, for instance.

I'm also assuming the tech wouldn't have to be limited to humanoids. Imagine, for example, a Christmas tree that could be rotated through various designs and holidays. Between things like this, the drone shows, the Las Vegas sphere, etc. it truly feels like we're on the verge of some big revolutions in themed entertainment in the next decade.

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Agreed Tim. Advances in projection mapping and LED lighting technology especially are revolutionizing attraction design--not to mention concerts, theatrical presentations, and other shows.

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Jan 30Liked by Arthur Levine

Fascinating. Just as a work of public art, we need more crazy things like this around. I can't imagine it's cheap to maintain, but I love the idea.

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Agreed! Especially the "crazy" part.

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