This looks quite cool. Big props to SF New England for investing in the dinos. I think my kids would love the ride. Now the question is: Will the park properly maintain it? I've seen time and again new rides slowly fall into disrepair. I t makes no sense.

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I hear you Kevin. Time will tell, I guess. But for now, those are some pretty great-looking beasts.

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I haven’t been to Six Flags NE in a very long time. It’s nice to see the addition of animatronics in the park, especially ones as detailed as these.

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Agreed about the animatronics. It's also encouraging to hear that other parks in the chain might be getting them.

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I always thought Cedar Fair was doing themselves a disservice by making their Dinosaur Alive attractions an up charge. Clearly this new attraction shows if you give the people dinos, and don’t put them behind a paywall, the kids (and crowds) will come. I’m sure you’re right Arthur - with the new merger, we haven’t seen the last of the great lizards at the Cedar Fair branded parks.

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The separate-ticket concept didn't make sense to me either. I'm not sure, but I don't think visitors had the option to only purchase a ticket to see the Cedar Fair dinosaurs; they had to also get a pass to the regular park. That was asking folks to shell out a lot of $.

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